I wish I could have been on the Week 9 webinar but the lateness of the hour meant I could not find WiFi anywhere in the hidden corner of Tenerife where we were staying. It was the first webinar I had missed and it showed me how difficult it is to try and catch up. Anyway I am getting there, running to keep up was hard enough and running even faster to catch up seemed too big an ask but I just did the week 10 assessment and new encouragement has come in like a flood.

I have just slipped into the top bracket that says I am on my way, and I genuinely feel that I am. This whole exercise has been such an uplifting experience for me. For a  number of years I have felt that my life was coming to an end…I know that 60 is quite young in today’s world but with a few health issues…some of which I now believe are the figment of the combined imaginations of myself and the doctor, and a few difficult times at work and in the church too, (sorry to disappoint anyone who thinks church people are all sweetness and light but pastors are fair game in hunting season) I was just getting more and more convinced that it was almost time to go home.

I was hauling myself to my feet slowly, things were gradually picking up, work got better, the hunters left the church and God sent some sheep to replace them: and actually it’s a pretty happy family now, so things were picking up, slowly, one step at a time. But in the last 9 weeks they have taken off, the Master Key, the MMA has made so much that was already there in my mind, but hazy and a little dull leap out into the brilliant sunlight. Just like in Og Mandino’s Scroll 1.. I awake each morning with a vitality I have never known before. My vigour increases, my enthusiasm rises, my desire to meet the world overcomes every fear…Fear has been replaced with renewed faith…I have clarity of vision… I have massive goals, I am totally convinced that they are not just possible but that they must be attained,  and not as a chore or a task that I need to do to fill my time or to build myself a monument but as a service to the community, and to all the people who are waiting for the benefits our business will bring them. We are going to help hundreds of families to build viable, enjoyable businesses and to achieve goals they can only dream of right now… but on the way we are going to help those people develop so they are not phased by the money when it comes rolling in like the tide, they will know who the source is so they don’t worship the money but will use it to enjoy the abundant life they were designed for and to bring blessings to all around them.

I have learned from Scroll 2 that most of all I must love myself and when I do I will zealously guard my body, my mind, my soul and my heart but although I am to love myself it is because unless I do I cannot really love anyone else.

Solomon the wise king tells us to “Guard your Heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23.  I always knew in part what he was trying to tell me but now I know for sure…now I understand what Paul meant when he said “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,” 1 Corinthians 6:19  Well who do I belong to then?  I belong to God but through Him I belong to all humanity…we are all linked and we are all supposed to love and to serve one another, thats why Paul also wrote  Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16.

There is no escaping the scripture, the words of Solomon, and Jesus and Paul can either be trusted completely or not at all. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you…he also said you cannot see the Kingdom of God unless you are born again,  Og says in scroll 2 “I look on all things with love and I am born again”. God is love and as he expands the capacity of our heart to know and love him and our neighbour as ourselves the kingdom of God is manifest in the earth. Jesus told us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. He also said forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors…if you do not forgive , your heavenly Father cannot forgive you. The law of Forgiveness named explicitly as an unavoidable condition for the abundant life.

There are no workarounds, no short cuts, no ignoring the words of the Master or His eternal work at the cross, the crossroads of time. Love and forgiveness are the only way to truth. If you are looking for prosperity it is hidden in plain sight… Jesus himself told us how to find it…Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.