We are proud to promote a company that really cares about the planet we all call home. In our considered opinion it’s a company where everybody wins: and we would like to tell you why in exactly 500 words.
Direct customers may purchase great products online that make their homes a healthier place by eliminating toxins and improving nutrition.
Preferred customers get all the above plus 30-50% discounts off those products. If Preferred Customers place their monthly orders before the 25th of each month they get 15% back in points with which they get free products. Because there are nearly 200 products in the range being able to try new ones for free is a nice little incentive.
The Company wins because it always knows in advance what quantities it needs to manufacture of each product. This also benefits the customer because since the ingredients are natural, they are best when they are fresh.
Preferred Customers also have the choice to come Marketing Executives at no extra cost which means they can introduce other customers to the company and be paid a little commission on every order those customers place as long as they both remain customers. This commission may start small but it rises according to the number of customers they introduce and there are many bonuses for encouraging their customers to do likewise. This can result in a few pounds off the monthly shop, a few hundred to set against household bills or a full time replacement income with no ceiling. It is entirely up to the individual.
The Manufacturer wins because it gets more customers without paying for advertising. Advertising and distribution is a great expense in business and a lot of the money saved is shared out with the Marketing Executives. Some of the money saved goes to market research and some goes for better safer, natural ingredients in the products.
So the customer wins because they get better quality products, their children and pets win because their homes are safer.
The wider environment wins because there are no harsh chemicals entering the ecosystem through the drains and landfills.
You may be thinking, “Surely somebody must lose if all these people are winning?” Actually no! That’s the great thing about it, contrary to popular thinking that there must always be a loser if there is a winner there is often a way for everyone to win…we just have to look for it.
We were so glad when we found it we have been partners with the company for the last 14 years…what is it called? Melaleuca, the Wellness Company.
We have travelled the world, we’ve met so many people who have become lifelong friends. We have seen people build solid second incomes that have made a huge difference to their lifestyles and others go all out and develop 6 figure businesses out of their own front rooms. Truly anything is possible
If you would like to know more, especially how we can help each other send me a message in the comments.